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How To Subscribe Journal

  1. Send us email to editor.journal@stie-aub.ac.id or call our office at 0271-854904 (Phone: 6282137353838).
  2. We will send you the invoice and the transfer information within 1-2 days.
  3. Please make transfer payment to our bank, and scan transfer proof to our email editor.journal@stie-aub.ac.id.
  4. You will expect to receive the journal within 3-5 days after we clarify your transfer to our account.

Principal Contact

Yenni Khristiana
General in Chief
Program Studi Magister Manajemen/Manajemen/Akuntansi/Diploma STIE AUB Surakarta Jl. Mr. Sartono No. 47 Nusukan, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57132 Telp. 0271-854904 Indonesia
Phone: 6282137353838
Email: editor.jurnal@stie-aub.ac.id